Friendship Expiry Dates 

Friendship expiry dates — what my aunt and I used to call it when one friendship ended. 

I’m a firm believer of fate. Somehow I just had the thought that fate is somehow the key to the people you meet, the things that happen and basically anything that has to be there. 

I can’t say that my friendships are well maintained. There were times when people just left and you still don’t know why after so many years. Or the ones where it just ended. Like maybe with a misunderstanding that nobody bothers to clear up. 

Or maybe it was meant to remain unsolved. 

When I was younger, friendship meant a lot to me. It still does. But I don’t get so hung up if me and my friends don’t talk as often as before. Everyone is busy and I get it, we will all drift apart someday. The ones that talk are probably the ones that puts in efforts and perhaps still wanna stay in touch. 

I don’t blame anyone when friendships end. Perhaps, it’s the day when it expires? 

Let me share a short story. Recently, I met a new friend out of school. I’ve never really went out of my way to make friends unless I have to. But somehow, I’ve decided to make friend with this person. But somehow after a period of texting, I guess I just didn’t want to talk to this person anymore. Talk about bad timing, things clashed and I got pissed. I don’t think the other party knows. But I’ve never had this regret feeling before. Somehow I had it, for the first time ever. 

It’s pretty much like how food will turn mouldy and all once it reaches its expiry date… My friendships turn out to be like this somehow. I don’t blame it on the other party. I would say, it’s probably me. I’m not a girl with the best attitude or personality. But then sometimes, I just have the gut feeling that it should be like this. And my gut feelings are very accurate, most of the time. Perhaps I really shouldn’t have talked to that person in the first place. But then again, who knows? 🙂 

This is probably just a rant, or maybe just me realising that I am happier being with myself. No hard feelings. 

How do you feel about friendships nowadays? 

What is being 20 all about? 

Thoughts like this often invade my mind and I would have to say, they aren’t very pleasant. I get scared yet excited when I turn a year older. I can’t believe I’m 20. It’s crazy. 

It feels like time passes so fast. Just a while ago, it felt like we just went from 2015 to 2016… And then it was January.. February.. March.. April.. And may. May went by in a blink of an eye. I don’t even know or remember how the heck it went by so quickly. By the end of May, I was 20. And we are already on the 3rd day of June. 

I often read articles on the things we would experience as we grow older. Honestly, I can relate. But it also freaks me out. Teenagers my age (idk if we are considered teenagers or young adults, pardon me) would probably be studying and earning a degree or working their asses off, but it’s not that case for me. 

I believe in that the life you have right now, is planned delicately and just right for you before you were born. Sounds crazy I know. But I’ve always believed in that. Somehow things were supposed to turn out this way. Life isn’t smooth sailing at all. I often ask myself ‘why is it like this?’ but there was no answer to why. I just embrace whatever that comes my way and hope that someday, I will get my answer. 

Being 20… I guess… Is probably just me feeling lost. I hope I find my sense of direction soon. LOL ironic enough that I’m a direction noob in real life. 

Let’s hope that everyone can find their own path in life soon. 🙂